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Our Church Unique

Missional Mandate

At New Beginnings, we are glorifying God and Discipling the Next Generation to Be the Church.


Missional Motives

What We Value


Spiritual Truth Matters
We acknowledge the Bible as the divinely inspired Word of God. Demonstrated by…our daily application of the Bible through commitment to reading, studying, memorizing, meditation upon and then obeying God’s Word (Proverbs 30:5-6, 1 Timothy 3:16-17).


Total Dependence
Apart from God we can do nothing. Demonstrated by… allowing the Holy Spirit to inspire, guide and empower us through fervent prayer and obedience to God’s perfect will (John 16:7-14; Galatians 5:25).


Call to Action Lifestyle Evangelism
We value a passionate commitment to lead people to faith in Christ through natural communication, authentic relationships, and compassionate service. Demonstrated by … using every resource and opportunity to reach our region, impact our nation and touch our world (Matthew 22:37-40, 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, John 3:16, 20:21).


Cultural-Social Awareness 
We value communication that connects to our society without compromising the timeless truth of God’s message. Demonstrated by...merging of the Biblical with the cultural-social concerns of the day by reaching out to others, by serving their needs, and sharing the gospel in relevant ways so they can access the life of Christ (Matthew 25:31-46).


Generational Relevance
We communicate the unchanging message of Christ to an ever-changing world. Demonstrated by… encouraging and celebrating the commitment it takes to reach each generation and creating opportunities for cross-generational ministry and interaction which helps people to grow, develop, and fulfill the purpose for which they were created ( Acts 2:42, 1 Cor. 9:19-23).


Authentic Relationships
We treat one another with love and care. Demonstrated by… going out of our way to listen, communicate, support and celebrate one another, so that each person's gifts and talents, and their contribution to family and in ministry is held in high regard ( John 13:34-35, Rom. 12:4-10).



Missional Map




NBBCOEA Missional Map

New Beginnings Baptist Church of East Atlanta is an Independent Baptist Church. Our official strategy is "to worship God, grow in relationship with Jesus, introduce others to Him, care for each other, our community, and our world, along with use our spiritual gifts and financial gifts to see His Kingdom come into our world." This strategy helps us function from an operational perspective as well as serves as our pattern for ministry. No program or ministry exists without relationship to this strategy. 

In essence, our strategy for making disciples on the broadest level includes four invitations for church involvement. Each invitation to discipleship may be tagged as a collective phrase of " A Call to Action Lifestyle" where we are discipling the next generation to Be the Church. As one answers the "call to action lifestyle" a participating member will commit to a Gather, Grow, Go, and Give lifestyle. This biblical "call to action lifestyle" may be represented by our Missional Map. 


Missional Marks



Our Missional Marks answer the question, "What are the characteristics of a believer that lives the Call to 'Action' Lifestyle? We have determined the Call to Action Lifestyle is all about ACTION!


A - Assemble:  

Gathers for corporate worship regularly

Active in small Grow Groups

Seeks opportunities to fellowship with fellow believers inside and outside the church walls


C - Connects:  

Connects for authentic relationships

Connects for accountability

Connects to serve on a Go Team that takes on the mind of Christ, a heart that cares like Christ, arms that extend to worship, hands that serve, along with legs and feet that support the entire church structure


T - Time, Talent, Treasure: 

Gives away their time

Generously gives of their talent and uses their spiritual gifts within and outside the church

Practices Biblical Stewardship (tithes, offering, resources)


I - Introspective:  

Cherishes a relationship with Christ, engages in daily prayer, seeks to know His voice, focuses on continually being filled with His Spirit, and walks by faith.

Reads, meditates, and studies the Bible regularly for strength and decision making

Confesses Christ's supremacy above, on, and beneath the earth


O - Outward: 

Takes time to disciple others

Purposefully listens and communicates the message I am concerned about "you" and responds appropriately to the needs identified through conversation

Displays the love of Christ through prayer with and for others


N - Neighbor and Nation: 

Regularly engages in sharing the plan of salvation through CTA Lifestyle Evangelism (conversation, authentic relationships, servanthood)

Connects their vocational calling to the market place as a missionary field

Goes on mission trips in the community across the nation and the world



Our Church Unique





NBBCOEA Pastor Sharon Green

Senior Pastor Sharon C. Green

As the Senior Pastor, I am so elated that you have taken time out of your busy schedule to visit the New Beginnings website. We feel that the church should be a transparent place, a place where the love of Christ is shown freely and relevant to the lives of real people that experience real everyday life. It is always a joy to hear another testimony of how God is daily changing New Beginnings members' lives.


As you search our website we hope you find Jesus permeating through every page. As a transparent place, it is our desire that this search will lead you to discover the incredible and unconditional love of God. As a place where the love of Christ is shown freely, we hope you find forgiveness for sin is available to every man because God sent His Son Jesus to suffer the wrath of a Holy God against sin, in order that we might be forgiven. As a place that is relevant, we pray you find answers to what God is doing at New Beginnings and to find some of the answers to questions you might have about the God we serve and love.


We pray that you have experienced this incredible truth of who Jesus is in your own life. New Beginnings is made up of people just like you, and it is a place with something for everyone, regardless of your stage in life. We take joy in knowing that we are a cross-generational community that has something to offer to everyone. Please take the time to go to each area of the website and discover why it is evident that God truly has smiled on the New Beginnings family. I personally invite you and your family to connect with our cross generational community every Sunday morning beginning at 9:15 a.m. or whenever you are in the East Atlanta area. Come experience the "Call to Action Lifestyle" as we "Disciple the Next Generation to Be the Church."




Sharon C. Green


To learn more about our pastor visit

Administrative Pastor Roosevelt Green, Jr.

NBBCOEA Minister Roosevelt Green, Jr.

Administrative Pastor Roosevelt Green, Jr. felt the call of God while in college; but, did not yield until later in life when several life changing events confirmed his uncertainties about the master calling. He served as a licensed minister under the leadership of Johnnie F. Harp, Jr., the late Pastor/Founder of New Beginnings Baptist Church of East Atlanta, Inc. In tribute to Pastor Harp, he started the J. F. Harp, Jr. Male Ensemble which is a viable component of New Beginnings' Worship and Arts Ministry. Administrative Pastor Green, as he is affectionately called, may be described as a consultant, intercessor, and inspirational speaker. Administrative Pastor Green has a passion for teaching and coaching. These passions are demonstrated through his style of ministering; as well as, his market place vocation of teaching. His passion for coaching has been orchestrated by the Holy Spirit through coaching several basketball teams over the years. In 2009, Administrative Pastor Green co-founded In the Green Exponentially, LLC., a Christ-centered curriculum writing/training business with his wife Senior Pastor Sharon Green.


He holds several degrees which range from a Masters of Arts in Special Education to a Specialist in Human Resources Management and Organizational Leadership. For over 10 years he served in the Marine Corps with five of these years recruiting for the southeast quadrant of the United States. He currently teaches Special Education students in a Metro Atlanta school. Over the years, he has created and facilitated male mentor programs such as The Men of Hamilton Holmes which were designed to assist inner city young boys dealing with different concerns. Many of these students are now completing their junior and senior year of high school.


Administrative Pastor Roosevelt Green, Jr. lives by "But as it is written: 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.'"

(1 Corinthians 2:9 NKJV)

Minister Roosevelt Green, Jr.
Pastor Sharon Green
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